giovedì, febbraio 23, 2006

KillCastro - A war blog: tinkering's verbotten!

tinkering's verbotten!

Charlie Bravo Feb 22, 2006 - Show original item
I took some time to confirm the banning of certain publications in Cuba. There are a few which one reader is not very likely to find anywhere, like those rosy glossies about celebrities, and a few dealing with subjects as alien to politics like cooking, fitness, science, hobbies, and of course, comics.
The most incredible banning, comes across as something expected, nonetheless.
Popular Mechanics is the most hatred magazine, according to the government of kasstro.
I recall when I was young that Popular Mechanics was on the top slot of preferred pre-commiedom magazines, alongside the Selections of the Readers' Digest, and all the fashion magazines published in pre-kastro times.
Popular Mechanics banned?
Of course guys! kasstro doesn't want you to learn how to build unidentified floating objets to escape his kingdom of doom, and much less how to build radios, compasses, communication devices like satellite receivers, how to build a computer at home, how to build a marine radio or anything like that... He's probably afraid that some ingenious Cuban could build a sniper rifle to wipe him off the face of Earth. They don't want Cubans to get acquaintance with American technology or to learn that the American military is not a bunch of aficionados.
Historically, entire populations have been controlled through ignorance.
This is a classical case of control through misinformation, omission of information, and deviation fron the truth. Typical kasstro, no surprises here.

KillCastro - A war blog: tinkering's verbotten!