By José Reyes
The Castro regime has establish an internet service but with the intent to monitor, spy and hack anti-Castro, anti-communist websites around the world. A very powerful anti-Castro Blog named KillCastro was attacked very recently by them with a barrage of emails loaded with virus attachments. The CafeCubanoBlog
, a very prestigious Blog, was also attacked with 1,500 contaminated emails and had his computer infected. There have been many more similar attacks throughout the internet on Anti-Castro, Cuban-American Websites and Blogs located all around the world. I have been attacked and am currently receiving contaminated emails on a daily basis. The culprit here is a website provider named Enet.Cu which is a subsidiary of the Castro regime controlled telecommunication company named ETECSA (Empresa Telecommunication de Cuba S.A.). The Castro regime runs ETECSA and is basically the telephone company, tourism advertisement, shopping site and communist propaganda all wrapped up together in one website. All these services, except the telephone company are not available or benefit the Cuban citizen. The Cuban citizen cannot shop online, because they have insufficient funds, they cannot travel out of the country because they cannot obtain a travel visa and are not interested in communist propaganda because they been fooled enough times in the last 47 years. This brings me back to, this service is for web hosting, another words, if you would like to create your own website, this is the place to do so, here are the prices:
Where are the Cuban citizens going to get the money to create a website when the average Cuban citizen makes $13.50 a "Month", but lets say they were able to obtain, in some illegal manner, the amount of money to create a website. They still would have to comply with the "rules and regulation", which of course prevent anybody in Cuba to host a website that opposes the Castro regime. There are no independent companies in Cuba that will need to create their own website, all the companies in Cuba are owned by the Castro regime. So who will be hosting with Who will be paying these outrages prices to host a website with NOBODY, Absolutely NOBODY!! This is just a front, this is a better way to control so-called "illegal" use of the internet in Cuba. This is also a recruitment agency for communist controlled hackers, the ones that have been sending virus contaminated emails. There is strong evidence that the Castro regime has an ongoing campaign to sabotage all anti-Castro websites and that is against the law, but most importantly international law. Read this article by Jorge Felix so you can understand more clearly: This attack by Castro's regime is another example of how Fidel is losing control of his power over the innocent Cuban citizens and for those so-called students or traitors who are involved in this futile piracy attempt, their day will come and that day will be very soon. This is totally illegal!!
These people are considered internet "Chivatos". They are the ones who are organizing the internet attacks on the anti-Castro regime and Anti-communist websites and Blogs around the world.
The exile Cubans around the world are very high tech and very organized now, they are unified with a strong devotion to report the "truth" and with facts to back them up. They support, respect and defend each other and have a wide world audience, Cuban and non-Cuban, that support them. This is Castro's worse nightmare, the "Unity" among Cubans, we are aware of these hackers but we are not going to retaliate, we don't need to. We have the upper hand because we are 100% righteous, we are not preaching any fake ideals to the world like Castro does, we are communicating the "Truth" about the "True Situation" in Cuba, now and for the last 47 years. We are strong supporters of human rights, freedom and justice for all, that's the only way to live a normal life. These are the necessary fundamentals of life that we are given when we are born, so when they are taken away from us, then we are being manipulated and this is how the communist system works. The Castro regime has stripped the Cuban citizens of their God given rights. This is a matter of right or wrong, nothing else and we all know that we are right and Castro is undeniably wrong. The Castro regime is collapsing and just like this unsuccessful attempt to disrupt our cause, will crumble and seize to exist. We will prevail! Cuba will be free again!
Cubanology, Castro's Ilegal Internet Service