sabato, luglio 15, 2006

Cuba: Why import Cubans with the light bulbs?

Davvero, la notizia di per se' era strana, e la segnalia qualche giorno fa: Cuba avrebbe "regalato" 250.000" lampadine ("bombillos") a basso consumo ai giamaicani poveri!
che senso puo' avere una storia del genere? Quali traffici o quali manovre si nascondono dietro a una cosa cosi' insensata?
Forse Cuba vuole accreditarsi come un babbo natale buono e saggio, che fa risparmiare energia alla nazione amica-vicina? Forse i cinesi gli hanno venduto a un prezzo stracciato 250.000 lampadine di troppo che avanzano, e cosi' le cede in cambio di qualche altra cosa? Oppure altro?
Oggi questa lettera di una giamaicana al giornale Jamaican Observer aggiunge un dettaglio sconcertante: insieme alle lampadine, Jamaica importera' 25.000 cubani in carne ed ossa, 2allo scopo di implementare il programma di distribuzione vista la loro esperienza nel campo"! Ovvero ogni cubano portera' 10 lampadine, e sara' trasportato, alloggiato e nutrito per fare questo.

La lettrice commenta giustamente che il governo ha perso il lume della ragione: "perche' dobbiamo importare 25.000 cuabani per distribuire 250.000 lampadine?"

Poi cerca di capire cosa c'e' dietro a tutto questo, e comincia a intravedere ragioni elettorali in vista delle prossime elezioni....

Cuba: Why import Cubans with the light bulbs?:

Why import Cubans with the light bulbs?

Why import Cubans with the light bulbs? Friday, July 14, 2006

Dear Editor,

I am very wary about the sudden announcement in the Senate that the government will be distributing over 250,000 energy-saving bulbs to "poor people". While I commend any effort to reduce energy costs, this latest initiative raises a number of red flags.

First, I believe that such an initiative should have been preceded by a massive public education campaign to ensure its maximum effectiveness. I don't understand why such a project has been kept quiet.

Second, why do we need to import 25,000 Cubans to distribute light bulbs?

Mr Kern Spencer in his presentation to the Senate on the matter pointed to their "experience in implementing this programme" as the reason for them coming here. Surely, this government has lost its mind! Why on earth would we need to import 25,000 Cubans, find airfare, ground transport, lodging, and food to distribute light bulbs? Unless they are here to do more than just that!

I happened to be in St Elizabeth over the weekend and saw a sample of a flyer with a picture of Kern Spencer and bearing a message about the light bulbs. Now coincidentally Kern Spencer is vying for a seat in that parish.

As a budding young politician, Mr Spencer would be well advised to rise above that and desist from using light bulbs to gain political mileage.

Third, I do hope that these bulbs are subject to the scrutiny of the Bureau of Standards and that JPS has inspected them to ensure their worthiness before spending more of taxpayers' money.

I would also like to remind the government that many poor rural families do not have access to electricity, so take that into consideration before you distribute bulbs to them.

I am also calling on prime minister Portia Simpson Miller to take the necessary precaution to ensure that the distribution of light bulbs is not done in a partisan manner, especially in light of pending elections.

Carole Grant Spanish Town St Catherine