Anch'io, al notare il tono concitato e esaltato con cui si attendeva all'aereoporto l'arrivo dei cinque aerei cubani che nascondevano fifo, avevo presagito che arrivava per incularsli a tutti , e prendere finalmente il ruolo che "gli spetta", avendo brigatoe e tramato per decenni per arrivare a questo.
killcastro dice "tutti voi siete miei complici e ostaggi", e fotografa benissimo la realta'.
Ed e' vero, in un modo o in un altro tutti i presidentoni riuniti a Cordoba devono molto a Castro, se non altro l'aver resistito tanti anni contro tutto e tutti, e l'aver traghettato "quel" tipo di pensiero politico fino nel XXI secolo; tutti, per quanto grandi e amati o odiati in patria, scopmaiono accanto a lui, tranne forse Chavez, ma per esplicita autorizzazione del lider maximo.
Nel'articolo killcastro vede nella concomitanza dell'assalto islamista una non coincidenza, di certo la cosa e' sempre stata nella testa di castro, e di sicuro avra' tentato milioni di volte di cavalcarla, e la prova e la "cessione" dei suoi contatti al gorilla, come a dire, "parlaci tu, che hai i soldi e l'entusiasmo per trionfare, io ti guardo le spalle".
in tutto cio', volendo fare gli strepitosi, lìunico guastafeste e' israele, l'unico stato che accetti ancora di uccidere civili inermi per diferndee la propria sopravvivenza e indipendenza.
E c'e' qualcosa di terribile in questo, perche' o e' l'ultimo stato di un vecchio mondo, o il primo di una nuovo, in ogni cosa e' agghiacciante.
Green, olive green
That's what kasstro wore to arrive in Argentina, his military fatigues.
One needs not any experience in diplomacy to understand this not so veiled code, he arrived to deliver a message: all of you are my accomplices and my hostages.
Again, what's happening in the world today is a process engineered to destroy democracy and Western Culture.
One one side, Islam kills. On the other side, Latin America falls under the influx of communists who have been embeded in the region for generations and steers to the extreme left.
Mercosur will go down in history as an anti-American circus.
The danger here is that Islamic terrorism has a very solid financial and intelligence base in the region: the tri-country border between Argentina, Brasil, and Paraguay. No doubts, kasstro also has a message for them. And you can imagine what kind of message.
At this moment, the Cuban secret services are blasting at full steam in Mexico to destabilize (even more) the country and provoke a migratory crisis with the United States. The whole Central American and South American regions are rife with elements trained and indoctrinated by kasstro, who has kept guerrillas in the area with a moderate success, while demonstrating that they are very capable of international cooperation with similarly minded groups -see the example of the international of terrorism that is at work in the Colombian jungles.
South America boasts a large (and uncontrolled) Middle Eastern community, they have been violent in the past, remember the destruction of the Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires, which was bigger than the attack in Oklahoma City. Those elements are organized in sleeper cells, ready to be activated at any time and ready to cross the Mexican border into the States to conduct attacks if that order is given. It's not an if, it's a when, and we need to be ready to fight them.
Cuba and Pakistan are forging alliances and Pakistan will get a plug from Cuba at Mercosur to improve commerce with the South American countries. And of course the rolodex in kasstro's office contain the data of many tribal elders and terror mongers in the remote areas where his "help" was deployed. Maybe it has the postal address for Bin Laden, lest he become jealous because Mandela is getting all the cigars. Symptomatically, even the Cuban newspaper Granma has a graphic with the Cuban flag and the Pakistani flag united. It tells you something!
KillCastro - A war blog: Green, olive green: