Cuba: Cuba, the world's most famous cigar exporter, has banned public smoking.: "Cuba, the world's most famous cigar exporter, has banned public smoking.
Cuba, the world's most famous cigar exporter, has banned public smoking.
With a convert's zeal, Cuban leader Fidel Castro began anti-smoking campaigns after he kicked his iconic cigar habit in 1986. Now he is joining countries such as Ireland and Bhutan in restricting the habit. Public transport, shops, offices and restaurants will be largely off-limits to smokers.
Castro reportedly said of cigars in 2003 that 'the best thing to do is give them to your enemy'. But cigar-factory workers often get a couple free every day, and tobacco products are subsidised in Cuba. Every adult born before 1955 can buy four packs of cigarettes a month for just 2 pesos each, equivalent to 10 US cents - about a third of the normal price. There is no indication that the rations will change. At least a third of Cuban adults and 20 per cent of teenagers aged 13 to 15 are smokers, although it is illegal to sell tobacco to under-16s. From issue 2484 of New Scientist magazine, 29 January 2005, page 4"