il buon James, un hobbit che vive nel pianeta irlanda, o inghilterra, o nella terra di mezzo, si e' affacciato su KILLCASTRO! (SU KILLCASTRO!, mica su "que linda es cuba" o "bellezze cubane") e se ne e' uscito callo callo con:
"Looking at this from a balanced point of view; Castro may not have a wonderful record on human rights but on the whole (from my limited knowledge of the country) Cuba seems no worse than any other country on the map."Su KILLCASTRO! oiste?
Beh, spettacolare la reazione dei due, sorpresi mentre stavano ancora spolpando qualche osso avanzato di argomento castrista...
Molto classy, per niente volgare, lo stile corrosivo dei due si e' esercitato elegantemente con il buon hobbit, risparmiando alla creatura la vista delle proprie budella in mano: tutto da leggere.
Blogger: Posta un commento:
"James ha detto...
I've not read your blog, because as wrong as it may be, I have quite a few skills in the field of the assumption!
Looking at this from a balanced point of view; Castro may not have a wonderful record on human rights but on the whole (from my limited knowledge of the country) Cuba seems no worse than any other country on the map.
Feel more than free to check out my blog - I doubt you'll be a fan but who knows?!
Thursday, December 14, 2006 1:52:27 PM
killcastro ha detto...
You just have NOT done enough reading James!
Youre comparing Cuba 2006 to what Haiti ?
Do you realize that Cuba 1959 had a higher standard of living than the USA?
Go back to the books you sound plain un-informed (for not calling you SILLY)
Thursday, December 14, 2006 1:58:31 PM
Charlie Bravo ha detto...
Even when you describe yourself as an affected flâneur, you claim to live in a prissy side of Manchester, England.
Great football, great music.
Please do yourself a favour, lad.
Indulge in some football. Kick that ball all around the field. Mens sana in corpore sano, should you have flunked Latin in school, it means 'a healthy mind in a healthy body'.
Get any record by that great band of your hometown, Black Sabbath and play it really loud (I somehow suspect that you don't own any of their records anyway)
Now picture this: when I was your age, to own a Black Sabbath record I had to fetch it in the black market. And the police didn't like it, they would beat me up and cut my long hair. It's called lack of basic liberties.
Now, after you have said God Save the Queen and your prayers, don't forget your prayers, kiss your own ass good night and have sweet dreams about sexy girls.
By the way, nice photos. Pathetic writing and design though.
Thursday, December 14"