
Le damas sono l'unico esempio di opposizione al regime che abbia ottenuto un po' di risalto internazionale, sebbene empre nel ristretto circolo di coloro per i quali il lemma "cuba libre" abbia un significato.
Di fatto, si sono trasformate, come brillantemente nota Jose Reyes in cubanology, "Le intoccabili", e il lotivo e' molto semplice: si notano da lontano per la purezza del loro gesto e sono percio' seguite da nugoli di telecamere.
Questo e' cio' che le rende intoccabili.
Eppure il regime non ha desistito a perseguitarle, tentando di far passare la ridicola versione che il popolo di Cuba, istintivamente, le ricusa.
Vale la pena di analizzare la catena logica che sta dietro a tutto cio', e basta andareun pochino piu' a fondo per capire che il regime non sa proprio cosa fare con loro, e dunque esattamente questa e' la breccia che queste valorose donne hanno aperto nella perfetta macchina propagandistica castrista: una breccia da ampliare.
La gente comune cubana reagisce spontaneamente e ricusa le dame; c'e' da chiedersi perche' queste pie iene abbiano deciso di vestirsi di tutto punto (povere in canna) e prendersi la briga di aspettare la guagua, pagare il pedaggio, radunarsi, tomarse un cafecito e infine diligentemente riunirsi in branco per "assaltare" il gruppo rivale.
A quale coscienza politica appartenga questa insopprimibile impulso e patriottico dovere di AFFRONTARE E INSULTARE ... (e qui cade l'asino)... CHI?
Le mogli e le madri di prigionieri politici considerati "traditori",!!!!
Rifacciamo il ragionamento.
Le pie iene sentono il bisogno di manifestare contro le madri e le mogli di persone accusate e condannate come traditori, e tanta e' l'indignazione per il pericolo che questi uomini hanno fatto e fanno correre alla nazione da spingerle ad andare A ROMPERE IL CAZZO a delle signore vestite di bianco e con i fiori in mano.
Il risultato e' questa foto, a cui implacabilmente si vanno ad aggiungere le scritte, e la foto e le scritte fanno il giro del mondo.
Ma la cosa piu' importante di tutte e' che al regime non gliene frega niente, il fatto di dover mantenere ben sotto pressione la popolazione e di reprimere attentamente ogni tentativo e' piu' forte del timore di quelle foto, il che dimostra quanto la fredda logica repressiva perda coerenza e si sfaldi di fronte ad un piccolo drappelo di donne vestite di bianco, marciando, cantando e offrendo fiori.
Un capolavoro.
Bravo Jose.
Las Damas de Blanco: "The Untouchables"By José Reyes 3/24/2007
On every Sunday "Las Damas de Blanco" patiently wait as they gather themselves in an "Organized" matter, until the last of them arrives. "Proudly" holding each others hands and arms, they set off on
to their "peaceful" walk, in their own unique and "Dignified" matter, elegantly dress in white and individually holding beautiful flowers in their caring hands. This is a routine they've been practicing every Sunday, every Sunday since March 18, 2003, when their love ones were unjustly rounded up and arrested for publicizing, indicating and expressing their opinions on the brutal Castro regime. These women are very brave, for they could be placed in jail along side of their love ones, but now its just too late, for they are now considered "Untouchables". Now the world knows who they are and the cameras are always rolling, filming them constantly, showing the world how vicious the Castro regime really is. But "Untouchable" you ask, yes they are! "Why Untouchable" you ask, because now the the Internet is there. Now all the major media agencies are there, yes they have to be there, they are forced to be there now.
They are forced to be there by the power of digital cameras, the magic and the simplicity of transferring video files and presenting them on the Internet. The world is watching now, watching how the Castro regime really is, for example this Video CNN VIDEO
was taken by CNN, who supports the Castro regime regularly. "Why" you ask, why do they have to give in and show this? Because they have no choice now, because the whole world is watching now. The Cuban exiles here in America and around the world have gain a big advantage on the Castro regime and they can't do a thing about it, nothing at all. The word is out now and its Global now! It's the indisputable hard work of all the Anti-Communist, Anti Castro regime Websites and Blogs around the world. Look around on the Internet and you will see for yourself. This is the reason why these "Ladies in White" are "Untouchable, but only half of the reason my fellow readers, for we must have someone to film and to photograph, so we could prove it, because the world is very skeptical and naive of what is
really happening in Cuba right now and for the last 48 years. In this very valuable instance here, there were three factors that took place, a kind of snow ball type of effect. First of all, the sacrifice of these 75 brave souls Uncommon Sense
who were arrested Amnesty.org
and began the ball rolling. Second of all, the awareness of this particular situation in Cuba reported by all the Blogs Anti-Fidel Blogs
and Websites Websites to Read
on the Internet. Third of all, the courage of these "Damas de Blanco" to march through the hostile streets of Cuba without losing their cool. The result is a gigantic white avalanche of truth and righteousness. Damas de Blanco
The Castro regime is under the microscope, a very big microscope, the world is watching. As you can see on that particular video above, the Castro regime is very upset with these powerful women and how they are trying useless tactics to disrupt their pacifist march. You can see "with your own eyes", how the
Castro regime recruits thugs to destroy any type of unity in Cuba. As you can see, "with your own eyes" how many onlookers were there who did not participate with the thugs that were verbally attacking the "Peaceful marchers. As you can clearly see "with your own eyes", if other Cuban citizens try marching with these women, they will be considered "Untouchables" also. Since March of 2003, the number of the imprisoned, for medical reasons only, have been released, there are still 59 left from that group serving their absurd prison sentences. The Castro regime refuses to release them. God bless these "Freedom Fighters", they are single handedly changing history, this is the beginning of the end for the Castro regime. Pray for these "Damas de Blanco" and proudly cry out loud with them, that beautiful word that makes you feel like a real human being, LIBERTAD!