giovedì, novembre 05, 2009

Antúnez pida ayuda internacional

Antúnez demands world help save his wife's life


Antúnez and Iris

Cuban human rights activist Jorge Luis García Pérez "Antúnez" has a simple request of the world — Please help save his wife's life.

Iris Tamara Pérez Aguilera, the leader of the Rosa Parks Women's Movement, on Oct. 29 started a hunger strike to protest the refusal by authorities to let her visit with her imprisoned brother, and according to Antúnez, her health already has begun to deteriorate. Still, Iris has vowed to continue with her protest until the authorities life the "absurd prohibition policy" blocking her from seeing her brother, according to a statement released to Cuban Democratic Directorate.

Mario Alberto Pérez Aguilera, imprisoned since 2006, has been on a hunger strike since Sept. 5 to protest the abusive treatment he has received while in jail. After two months, he reportedly is near death.

Antúnez called on the international community to intercede with the Castro dictatorship on behalf of his wife and brother-in-law.

Antúnez, who in April 2007 was released after more than 17 years as a political prisoner, knows whom to blame for what is happening to his family.

"I am blaming the Havana government," said Antúnez, which is criminal, insensitive, a torturer and responsible for the consequences of these hunger strikes for Mario and Iris."